Why Chiropractic Care?
The spine is made up of many different vertebrae and each one has movable joints with its neighbouring vertebra. When a joint of the spine isn’t moving as well as it should, that leads to problems. Dysfunctions in spinal joint motion leads to pain, muscle dysfunction and tension and movement dysfunctions such as altered gait. Chiropractic adjustments aim to restore the proper motion of the joints of the spine and body in order to reduce pain, reduce muscle tension and improve mobility.
Adjustments can be used to improve healing after an injury, reduce pain in your older dog/horse/cat and improve overall movement patterns such as their gait. It can also be a wonderful addition to a wellness routine ensuring optimal function of the joints of the spine to prevent future problems and to allow your pets to live their fullest life!
Signs and symptoms why they might need chiropractic care:

- Girthiness
- Frequently Swapping Leads
- Back Pain
- Neck Pain
- Behavioural Changes
- Decreased Performance
- Head Shyness
- Short Striding

- Pain with Petting
- Abnormal Gait
- Mobility Difficulty (Walking and Stairs)
- Decreased Performance (Sporting Dogs)
- Back Pain
- Neck Pain
Benefits of Animal Chiropractic Care:
- Reduced Pain
- Improved Behaviour
- Improved Function
- Improved Performance
(Ideal for Sporting Dogs and Horses)
- Correction of Gait Problems
(That can lead to hip problems.)
Dr. Adler’s goal is to help make sure that your furry friends are not quietly suffering from pain and are comfortable, performing at their best.
Chiropractic care has been demonstrated to be an effective and safe form of treatment for back pain in large animals and is seeing ever growing usage rates due to its effectiveness, safety and growing acceptance within the medical and general community.
Chiropractic care for your pet is not a replacement for usual veterinary care, it can be a very effective addition to your vet’s treatment plans.
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